emi war hier
emi war hier
emi war hier
for Voice and Guitar
for Voice and Guitar
for Voice and Guitar

This year I reconnected with a version of myself that I thought I had lost. I got back to investing time on my music, I worked a lot and lost a job, I went out and found love, I made new friends and lost others, I travelled, I celebrated and cried, I missed my family and friends but couldn't be happier of being here. All of that led me to "get back to where I once belonged" (Lennon-McCartney), and when I did it I realized that version of myself was always there, waiting for its time to shine. "The time is now and is right for me" (Foster–Anderson).
This year I reconnected with a version of myself that I thought I had lost. I got back to investing time on my music, I worked a lot and lost a job, I went out and found love, I made new friends and lost others, I travelled, I celebrated and cried, I missed my family and friends but couldn't be happier of being here. All of that led me to "get back to where I once belonged" (Lennon-McCartney), and when I did it I realized that version of myself was always there, waiting for its time to shine. "The time is now and is right for me" (Foster–Anderson).