Natalia Natalia

Natalia Natalia

Natalia Natalia


for Cello

for Cello

for Cello

Sin Peros reflects one of the most important relationships of my life. I had never been so in love before that. With its ups and lows, it was an unforgettable experience. However, as every story, it had an end. This piece was my first approach to composition, which I was driven to in order to enter a composition competition. I was in the early stages of my music conservatory development, and the piece took four years to be completed. The instruments are divided in three groups with a different role in the story: Clarinet and Bassoon are the main characters, Harp acts as a narrator, and the String Orchestra represents the extra people (family and friends) and their baggage, that naturally comes with a relationship.

Sin Peros reflects one of the most important relationships of my life. I had never been so in love before that. With its ups and lows, it was an unforgettable experience. However, as every story, it had an end. This piece was my first approach to composition, which I was driven to in order to enter a composition competition. I was in the early stages of my music conservatory development, and the piece took four years to be completed. The instruments are divided in three groups with a different role in the story: Clarinet and Bassoon are the main characters, Harp acts as a narrator, and the String Orchestra represents the extra people (family and friends) and their baggage, that naturally comes with a relationship.